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Vaccine Manufacturing Challenge 

(University of Oxford, University College London, VaxHub)

Learn about how vaccines are made and how the processes we use to do this determine its cost and how quickly we can go from start to finish.  Then have a go at our hands-on challenge to filter out our ‘vaccine’ in as few steps as possible. 


Make your own blood sample 

(University of Oxford)

Learn about the different components of blood, what they do and how we study them in the lab. Then have a go at making your own ’blood sample’ using real lab equipment.  


Painting with Arthritis 

(University of Oxford)

Arthritis is a disease that causes swelling of the joints and makes it very difficult for people to do day-to-day tasks. Come and try out our "arthritis gloves", which mimic the stiffness of arthritic hands and see how hard it can be to draw and paint when affected by this disease. 


Photo credit 'Science Oxford'

Vaccines, blood and arthritis
University of Oxford

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