We created Festival of The Girl grows up! events because as mums of girls we want to make sure we know how to talk to them about what can sometimes be difficult topics including body image, confidence, mental health, safety online and more. These evening events are panelled by experts and with a specific aim at parents, carers and teachers of primary school aged girls.
We will be announcing our next Festival of The Girl grows up! event in early 2025. We hope you can join us. If there is a specific topic you would like us to cover please get in touch info@festivalofthegirl.com.
Talking to girls about body confidence
We held our first ever live Festival of The Girl grows up! evening panel event for adults last June. The theme was 'talking to girls about body confidence' and this video is a wonderful highlight of all the amazing advice and guidance shared.
Our panel

Alex Light - panel host
Body confidence advocate and bestselling author of
You Are Not A Before Picture, No. 1 podcast Should I Delete That Podcast, founder of Light LDN
"I’m absolutely thrilled to be taking part in this year’s Festival of The Girl - it’s becoming increasingly vital to tackle body image, self-esteem and gender roles in young girls and any opportunity to help girls feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin is incredibly important."
Laura Bates - panellist
Feminist activist and founder of Everyday Sexism, bestselling author of Everyday Sexism, Girl Up, Men Who Hate Women, Fix the System Not the Women and others
"I see first hand in my work with young people the massive impact that stereotyping and negative body image pressure can have on them. Talking about these pressures, and the many positive ways to support young people in navigating them, is absolutely vital."
Molly Forbes - panellist
Body image advocate, founding director of Body Happy Org and author of Body Happy Kids
"Body image is an urgent public health issue but it's one that is regularly left off the table in discussions about kids' health. From children being weighed in school to food and health education that promotes diet culture, it's little surprise one in seven kids are currently dieting and that children as young as three are displaying anti-fat bias. This is why I'm so pleased Festival of the Girl is spotlighting this important topic and opening a conversation for adults to help to sensitively navigate this issue. As a mum of girls I know only too well how thorny this subject can be. It's why I set up Body Happy Org and now work with schools, youth clubs and adults who work with kids to change the conversation, and it's why I wrote a book about this too. Every time another organisation raises awareness of the importance of this subject it gives me hope that we are one step closer towards change. Thank you Festival of the Girl for being champions of positive body image in children and young people - our girls really do deserve better and with more champions like you perhaps they'll get it! "
Anupa Roper- panellist
Body image educator, children's author and founder of Sparrowlegs
"After struggling with my own body image for many years and then having children of my own reaching an age where my struggles began, my mission was born! I know, as a former primary teacher, just how important the formative years are, a time when we can shape the next generations. So my mission is this - to empower the young to feel happy in their own skin, to accept others in theirs but above all, to know that their worth does not lie in their appearance. I am excited to be part of an amazing panel to discuss a topic close to my heart and one which will make a real difference to the girls (and boys) of the future"